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layannaFinding free sex in my area is not as easy as you think. A lot of free dating sites make their money through advertising. Of course, people will not go to these websites if there is absolutely no activity in them. When was the last time you ate at an empty restaurant? When was the last time you passed by an empty restaurant and got excited about eating there? I would venture to guess the answer is never!

The same chicken or egg problem plagues many dating sites. They want people to use their website but the only way to get people to use their website is if there are people already on the website. Do you see the problem? Do you see how it feeds on itself?

A lot of these websites instead of actively advertising and spending money into drawing real people to these websites use a shortcut. The shortcut is pretty straightforward: They hire foreign people to populate these websites. A lot of freelancers from the Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and India flood these websites with all sorts of activities.

It’s very easy to get excited about the profiles generated because a lot of them feature very good-looking American women. However, if you actually read these profiles, you would notice that a lot of them are written in broken English. In fact, a lot of them don’t make any sense at all.

It’s very easy to get tempted by free dating sites. It’s very easy to get lured in by the zero admission fee.

Unfortunately, you are actually paying with an asset that is far more expensive than money. I’m of course talking about your time. If you don’t want to waste time on these types of websites, do yourself a favor: Just read a handful of profiles. If you noticed that the profiles are written in very bad English with bad grammar, leave. The good news is there are tons of websites out there. You just need to keep going through each one until you find one that is real.

Blogged Under: Diary